Friday, November 9, 2012

Some Post-Election Reflections

I am not going to make this an overly political post.  I will say I am overall very happy with how the elections went. Do I fear partisanship? Always. But I also know that in this country we need at least two strong parties in order to provide a check on each other, and so this is why I am thankful that the Democrats are not in charge of all areas of the government (because of the Republican majority in the House).  I hope though that given this, the two parties will return to working across the aisle and find the middle ground around the "common good."  Call me naive, but I think its possible.  If we can't do this, not only are we bound to continue in the most partisan and polarized period in recent memory, we will continue to struggle to do the basic things that need to be done- building infrastructure; supporting education as our chief priority for a robust, innovative, and long-lasting economy; working for a fair tax system; and standing up for the rights of ALL citizens no matter if we agree with each other about particular issues. We do need to agree that we are all citizens and therefore that should entitle us to the same respect.  

Now, in doing my morning reading of stories on major news sites and on Facebook, I found a blog post that I have linked here. On the one hand I am very proud of Alaska Airlines as I think you will be too. It is my favorite airline for a reason (not just because it is my hometown air carrier).  On the other hand, I hope that should an altercation like this happen, I would be more vocal and not like the person a few rows ahead more focused on taking off in a fast and timely fashion. I worry about myself, and think I might be like her at times so focused on myself that I lose sight of standing up for each other and being in relationship and community with those around me. I hope beyond hope that I would never be like that woman in the face of injustice and intolerance. I was certainly taught better by my Mom and Dad, and deep down know that should I witness such a thing I would not stay silent.

I am happy to hear that Alaska Airlines didn't either. I just wish that this person would not have had to deal with this situation in the first place. It just goes to show we have more educating to do in this world in order to become a more just and civil society. I am not sure where this starts, but I know it has to start somewhere and I would like to think I am a part of it.  

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