Friday, December 14, 2012

Lost in the Night

"Lost in the night do the people yet languish, longing for morning the darkness to vanquish, plaintively sighing with hearts full of anguish. Will not day come soon?  Will not day come soon?"

This Advent hymn rings through my mind today.  It is too fitting of a reminder of the world we have now, and the fact that the kingdom is not yet complete.  Today, news of the most horrific and senseless of acts- the murder of innocent children in an elementary school spreads across the internet, airwaves, and by word of mouth.  There isn't much to say, except to pray "Come, Lord Jesus" and as the hymn concludes, "Come and save us soon! Come and save us soon!"

During Advent we are usually excited for the coming birth of Jesus on Christmas, but we also join the church in hoping for Jesus' return, a second Christmas. This would be the restoration of God's creation we all hope for.  It's acts of evil like today's that make it so much more obvious of how much we need God to save us, and how important it is to know that God is with us (Emmanuel) and for us.

Lord, please be with the whole community and all families affected by this senseless act. May your justice and peace come.  May your love and comfort spread.  May we learn to live and do acts of love, justice, and mercy as you would have us do and spread this to others. Amen.

Credits: "Lost in the Night,” Nordic hymn, tr. Olav Lee, Finnish folk tune, Public Domain, (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1932), OneLicense, found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 243.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving used to be one of my favorite holidays.  It still is one of the most meaningful holidays for me, but I would be lying if I said it was my favorite.  November has been a bit of a tough emotional month for my family.  

My uncle Danny, whom I never met but am named after (in part) died the week of Thanksgiving in 1985.  My Grandpa S. passed away in November of 2006, and then my Grandpa T. passed away the following November, 2007, during the night before Thanksgiving.  Therefore, Thanksgiving has been a bit of a hard time for me.  I guess part of me is thankful though that All Saints and Thanksgiving are so close together in the calendar, because they provide countless reminders of why we are thankful. (Maybe there was some symbolic reason that I also proposed to my wife during November... its a month of being thankful for the lives that we live, the lives that we will live, and the lives that have touched us.)

We are thankful for all that we have- our time, our partners, our family, our friends, our passions and joys, our vocations, our possessions, our very selves... but most importantly, we are thankful to have life and the hope and promise of life that is found and grounded in our faith.  This year's appointed gospel reading for Thanksgiving I find very fitting.  It comes from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, and in it Jesus teaches about having trust in God and regarding life with thanksgiving rather than fear and anxiety. 

Matthew 6:25-33, NRSV
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds in the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?  And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? And why do you worry about clothing  Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you- you of little faith?  Therefore, do not worry, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?' For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." 

God provides.  Some times we may wonder how we will make ends meet. I know I have been wondering this lately, but I trust that there is a way. Therefore, we continue on because I know deep down that I have a purpose and a calling(s) and so do each of you.  I am thankful for this, because knowing and believing this, makes bearing in uncertainty possible, and is more than enough grounds to say a loud and boisterous "Happy Thanksgiving!"

I am thankful to all of you- friends, family, strangers, who take the time to read this blog from time to time. I hope that my reflections, has varied as they are, are enjoyable and sometimes even helpful.  

Thank you God for making this possible, for the gift of life and purpose, for the food that we shall all enjoy tomorrow, and for the love and support of so many wonderful people and a most awesome and inspiring spouse.  Thank you for the gift of life and the promise of life eternal, and thank you for your continued presence and guidance. Amen. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"The Church is Not A Building"

I just knew the CML person in me would be kicking and screaming at some point in my ministry life. I just didn't think it would be so soon after completing my MA in Congregational Mission and Leadership.  But, alas, here we are.

The 1972 song "We Are the Church" written by Richard Avery and Donald Marsh, has been going through my head all day today. Perhaps you sung it in Sunday School or even in worship?  The chorus goes, "I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together! All who follow Jesus all around the world! Yes, we're the church together!"  The chorus is simple enough, but really hits at the missional idea that the church is not some building. The church is the people gathered to worship, learn, serve, and be in fellowship together as part of God's work in the world. We as Lutherans are starting to learn this, especially as new ministries spring up in all sorts of settings. Perhaps my new favorite mantra uttered by many a church starter/planter, "more than enough cement has already been poured in the name of the church."

Well, consider where I am. I have the blessing to be an installed leader at a local congregation serving as its worship coordinator. Further, this congregation is on the tail end of a major construction project which it took a leap of faith to do in the midst of the worst economy in recent memory.  However, as the project comes near to a close, I think we need to remind ourselves, that the building is not the center.  The building is not the most important thing.  I think, whether we want to admit it or not, the congregation has let it become so.

Returning to the song, Verse 1 reads, "The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is not a resting place, the church is the people!"  Amen! It doesn't matter how great a building you have, or how great a building that you are working on and constructing. It doesn't matter how fancy the doors and carpets are, or if all the chairs and office equipment match just right.  What matters is the ministry that takes place within and outside the walls.

So, its with great hesitation that I ask this question, but I am going to ask it anyway. Is the congregation I work for willing and ready to put as much dedication, effort, and financial support behind the ministries as it has chosen to do so in nearly doubling its footprint and physical space? If so, praise the Lord! If not, then I fear this building project will serve as a coffin for the congregation, because the church is not about the building, its about the work of God in the world- the mission of serving others as we are called by God, and the piece of evangelism of spreading and articulating the good news.

As Lutherans we do this best by: 1) serving with joy first, because our service is our response to the promise and gift of life which we can never earn or hope to earn; and 2) when we evangelize, (and yes, Lutherans do evangelize), its often when we are asked "why do we serve," or "why are we choosing to help?" When asked these questions we are given the 'green light' so to speak to make the elevator pitch and evangelize. (I'll say more about what this looks like for me in an upcoming blog post.)

But as for the church and the building, if the congregation chooses not to make the same commitment to ministry, if it chooses not to support the staff necessary to fulfill the program ministry callings that the congregation yearns for, I fear that this building as nice as it is will be meaningless.

How do we make sure this doesn't happen?  Well, here are three quick starter ideas, with no doubt hundreds more which could be expanded upon and added:
1) We build off the building campaign, and transition the campaign's energy towards one for mission and faith formation.
2) Make the same commitment to Faith Formation of all ages, as has been made towards Worship and Music. Only with these two ministries doing well, do they collectively do the best to teach and move the people of God forward in their lives, and in growing deeper in faith.
3) We tithe, and then move past the tithe to support the work of the church in the community and larger world. This means that not only we as Children of God do what we can, the church itself is called to tithe its budget, and other special campaigns. Further, the church should be giving at least 10% of its time/space for larger community usage with no direct link to the church in order to practice true community involvement and stewardship and be a beacon in the community and witness through its word and deed.

Anyway, what started out as a goal for 2 paragraphs today turned into a long exposition of some of my very basic CML feelings and thoughts.  "The church is not a building." It is so much more.  We cannot lose sight of this, and we cannot ever make the building the number one need or concern.  Once we do this, the building becomes the idol and the center of our work.  This can't be so.  The center is God, and the work we are called to do is for and of the other, the stranger, the one in need, as God has called us to do.

It's nice to have a new building, but if we stop there, we are no better then the people with flowing robes who say long prayers and flaunt their wealth.  I know we are not these people. So let's act and move in a way that proves me right, we aren't these people with flowing robes but humble servants who are heeding the call to love and serve the neighbor.

["We Are the Church," Richard Avery & Donald Marsh, (Carol Stream, IL:  Hope Publishing, Co., 1972), CCLI Song No. 18510.]

Friday, November 9, 2012

Some theological reflections on the neighbor

Most of you know that I have a deep interest in a theology of neighbor love.  It undoubtedly shapes my posts in this blog and the themes and topics which I engage here and in my jobs and involvement in the world.

In the previous post I provided this morning, I intentionally did not touch on theology.  Now though, I would like to open up the theological imagination for a moment.  If you have not read the previous post, I refer to a story expressed here.  In the post I mention how I hope beyond hope that I am not like the woman a few rows ahead who is so focused on taking off on time that she asks people to stop making a scene.  Such a move is a passive way of dismissing another, and amounts to ignoring the very scene which we are called to act and respond in love to.  It reminds me immediately of the Good Samaritan scenario.  What do we do when we are passing a victim.  Better yet, what do we do when we are facing a victim in the very act of abuse? Do we turn our heads and walk away, or do we swallow our fear and stand up, hoping that another would do the same thing should we ever face such a situation ourselves.

I don't care what the reason for a disagreement is, there is NO justification for abuse- physical, emotional, theological, etc.  I firmly believe this, but I wonder, would I be just like that lady who chose to turn away because I was so focused on myself and my own needs of the day?

We are called to love and serve our neighbor.  Martin Luther goes so far in his explanation to the fifth commandment to say that by not doing what we can, we are effectively committing murder towards our neighbor because we are not using our resources (as few or many as they may be) to help someone who is in need.

So returning to this scenario, does the same passivity exist in our daily lives as it did on that plane prior to takeoff? Worse, does it exist in our congregations?  I wonder if by not engaging and addressing this, by choosing to remain passive, we are ourselves committing just the same sin towards our neighbor in need. We are not extending the grace and welcome that we have all been extended by God in Christ. We are not acting as a reconciling community, called to come together despite our human differences, because we are one body in Christ.

How can we be one body in Christ though, if we are not willing to stand up for our neighbor and stranger, no matter how different they might be from us?  After all, they are part of the same body of Christ, and they are created in the image of God, just like we are.

Many congregations have decided that the best way to stay together is to "agree to disagree" and to continue on.  I myself have been a proponent of this. But after reading the post again, and thinking deeply about it, I can't stand in this group anymore.  We are called to engage, not to disengage. We have something beautiful as ELCA Lutherans called "bound conscience." I respect this.  I wonder though how many of these congregations who have "agreed to disagree" actually took the time to unpack what a "bound conscience" means.  Did these congregations think deeply about how it relates to loving and serving each other in the congregation and being open and welcoming to the larger community and world which we are called to serve, preach and teach to, and most importantly be a part of?

I don't have the answers here. I just feel really moved today, and think its time to stand up for our neighbor. Being passive is as good as a judgment in my neighbor's eyes, and when you get down to it, it looks like the same in mine too.  Aren't we called to extend a hand of grace and welcome? If we really believe this, this certainly has some deep implications and offers a true pause.  What do you think?

Some Post-Election Reflections

I am not going to make this an overly political post.  I will say I am overall very happy with how the elections went. Do I fear partisanship? Always. But I also know that in this country we need at least two strong parties in order to provide a check on each other, and so this is why I am thankful that the Democrats are not in charge of all areas of the government (because of the Republican majority in the House).  I hope though that given this, the two parties will return to working across the aisle and find the middle ground around the "common good."  Call me naive, but I think its possible.  If we can't do this, not only are we bound to continue in the most partisan and polarized period in recent memory, we will continue to struggle to do the basic things that need to be done- building infrastructure; supporting education as our chief priority for a robust, innovative, and long-lasting economy; working for a fair tax system; and standing up for the rights of ALL citizens no matter if we agree with each other about particular issues. We do need to agree that we are all citizens and therefore that should entitle us to the same respect.  

Now, in doing my morning reading of stories on major news sites and on Facebook, I found a blog post that I have linked here. On the one hand I am very proud of Alaska Airlines as I think you will be too. It is my favorite airline for a reason (not just because it is my hometown air carrier).  On the other hand, I hope that should an altercation like this happen, I would be more vocal and not like the person a few rows ahead more focused on taking off in a fast and timely fashion. I worry about myself, and think I might be like her at times so focused on myself that I lose sight of standing up for each other and being in relationship and community with those around me. I hope beyond hope that I would never be like that woman in the face of injustice and intolerance. I was certainly taught better by my Mom and Dad, and deep down know that should I witness such a thing I would not stay silent.

I am happy to hear that Alaska Airlines didn't either. I just wish that this person would not have had to deal with this situation in the first place. It just goes to show we have more educating to do in this world in order to become a more just and civil society. I am not sure where this starts, but I know it has to start somewhere and I would like to think I am a part of it.  

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

I guess this as good a name for this post as any.  My Grandpa T. would have been 91 today, which is amazing to think about.  Wow!  He lived a very long and full life though and left us the night before Thanksgiving just about 5 years ago after having visions of Jesus and other family members of ours who had passed away.

I guess I am thinking back to those Novembers in 2006 and 2007 when my Grandpa S. and Grandpa T. passed away just about a year a part because we are coming up on All Saints Day. I have been working to compile the list of loved ones and friends of Cross of Hope who have passed away to have read on Sunday.  All Saints is such a meaningful day.  It's interesting to think about why that is for me, because I can't really place it.  But, I have always held that day of the church year with utmost respect because its a day not only to remember and celebrate, but also a day to know that we are part of cloud of witnesses from the generations to the present. It's also a day where we are directly confronted with both the fragility of this life, and the hope and promise of the life to come.

I have also been thinking about my grandpas the past couple days, because two of my closest friends lost a grandparent over the weekend.  I hold Ben up as he remembers and celebrates his grandpa, and I hold Jeremy up as he remembers and celebrates his grandma.  Guys, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family. You know I am here for you whatever you need.

One of the passages read at Grandpa's funeral was 2 Timothy 4:1-8, and I trust it can be read and deeply believed and affirmed for many of us in thinking about our loved ones who have departed us.  Let's close with these words from 2 Timothy 4:6-8:

"As for me, I am already being poured out as a libation, and the time of my departure has come.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing."

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall in Little Norway

This past week, I have had the chance to spend some time back "home," by myself. (Well, not really, see I have shared the home I grew up in with two dogs, two cats, and a bird. We make for an interesting group).

It's been strange to be the only human here all week. It's been strange to be away from Allison for a week. This is now officially the longest we have been a part since getting married.  I have missed her terribly!  To pass the time I have tried to be productive on church work, work for the firm I am interning for, and doing some other consulting work while here.  I think I have been somewhat productive.

The point to this post though is I guess I realize that wherever my wife and I are together, is truly my home now. That means that for now the Twin Cities are really my home. I really haven't called Poulsbo my day to day home for nearly 7-years since I left for PLU in 2005. It's kind of surreal.  It's nice to see that Poulsbo hasn't stopped growing, but its also nice that it hasn't lost its charm either.  There is just something about this place which can make it a nice place to get away and breathe for a bit to center oneself. I think that's how I have let it treat me this week. I am hoping that when I return to Minnesota tomorrow I will be more: centered, focused, and assured. The job hunt continues, but doors and opportunities continue to open.  God's leading us, and we're making ends meet. I have no idea what the next chapter is really going to look like, but the one we are in right now is certainly exciting.

I could say that I am concerned, depressed, and stressed about not having a full-time job yet. But you know what, I would be lying if I did. I have this bizarre sense of calm now that it's all going to work out. Maybe this is really what a sense of abundance feels like?  I know God's here with us, and even though I am not sure where we are heading in this wilderness time, I know God is guiding us through it.

As the leaves continue to fall, and the colors continue to turn, take some time to smile and breathe in deep.  Drink some hot chocolate or hot apple cider.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I know that today, right this minute, I am loved (because Allison tells me multiple times each day) and that's really all that matters (plus Taizley and Trea are asleep on either side of me, and that's kind of comforting too). My hunch is that because you are reading this, you are loved too.  (Obviously, loved by God, but probably loved by me and many others too.) Isn't that just a comforting feeling?

Peace and blessings to you on this Fall Evening from Little Norway!

[picture credits to the "Historic Downtown Poulsbo" site on Facebook] 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

College Football Playoff- GOOD, BAD, UGLY

I am not going to hide my opinion. I don't like this playoff plan, as is. I am happy that there will be one. However, I think there is a long way to go for this to be a guaranteed improvement over the BCS. Because on the surface, this proposal seems like it even makes it more impossible for "non-AQ" conference schools like Boise State, BYU, and Hawaii (not to mention the 'left overs' of the Big-East conference like South Florida, Connecticut, Louisville, Cincinnati, etc.) to play for a national championship. There needs to be some provision that these schools be given equal consideration for inclusion in the playoffs. Maybe this is why I think having an 8 or 16-team playoff makes more sense then trying to have a committee pick just 4 teams. Some years I would agree it would be possible, but in recent memory picking just 4 teams would seem ridiculous.

Now, my immediate reaction aside, here is what I think in a good, bad, and ugly fashion.

1. We may now have an actual champion in college football. (Assuming the four teams in the playoffs are definitively the best four teams in the nation, without leaving any one, two, or three teams of equal value achievement out).
2. Meaningful bowl/playoff games will be played again on New Year's Day or New Year's Eve, as that is when the semi-final games are scheduled to be played.
3. Traditional bowl game sites like the Holiday Bowl in San Diego; Cotton Bowl in Arlington, TX; Citrus Bowl in Orlando; and the Peach Bowl (I mean "Chick Filet" Bowl) in Atlanta may again be hosts to actual big meaningful games.

1. This may actually make it even harder for non-AQ schools to compete for a championship then was the case in the much maligned BCS.
2. For all the animosity about sponsored bowl games and how that is commercialism run wild, imagine the sponsorship and commercial opportunities that will come from a college football playoff? The new championship game will likely easily be the second most expensive 3-hours of the year to buy a 30-second commercial behind only the Super Bowl.

1. What happens when in 2 years we realize that this "playoff" only continues the same problem of not having a definitive champion that has been the case throughout the BCS? We will go back to square one.
2. Or, what happens when the conference commissioners and school presidents realize the $$$ involved in a playoff and decide to move to 8 or 16 teams? (I mean I would think that would finally widen the door enough to provide a way in for the non-AQ schools. However, the motivation for such a move would be shallow at best, and only about the potential increased revenues and sponsor-ships. Such a move would clearly be the death bell of college bowl games as we know them.)

I think the only clear answer we have now is that there is a "playoff" coming. We'll see what that really means in 3-years.

And because you might be wondering what I would suggest if I ran the world here is what I would do if we are indeed stuck with the 4-team playoff model.
1) Combine the ACC and Big-East into one conference for football.
2) Require all teams to play a 9-game conference schedule in football. The SEC should no longer be allowed to have "cupcakes" on their schedules in November.
3) The Big-12 should indeed become 12 teams again.
4) Boise State, BYU, and Notre Dame should enter into a long-term agreement to play each other every year. This would likely help each's strength of schedule, and increase the potential of making it into the 4-team pool or discussion at the very least. [If I were Boise State and BYU I would be pounding down the door of the Big 12 to try and entice them to invite them in.]
5) The National Championship and Semi-Finals should be broadcast on Network TV (ABC) and not on a cable network (ESPN). If they want this championship to be like the Super Bowl and NFL playoffs, then it only makes sense that it be given the respect of major network TV.

**Admittedly none of these suggestions will likely come to pass because of the money involved obviously. But, here was my two cents anyway.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Return of the Blog

For those of you who have missed my blogging, well, I have missed it too. So, let this serve as an intentional return to activity here on the blog. My guess is that there will be an average of 2-3 posts per week from now on, but we'll see how that goes. 

For today's blog entry, I just want to say its nice to be back and I hope you enjoy my thoughts and reflections on a whole host of topics- from theology to leadership, from baseball to choral music, and every thing in between.

For your enjoyment, I am providing a return of a few links with today's initial post of things I have been reading and following.

This Week's Links
Theology, Ministry and the Church
1. Lutheran Women Scholars have come to the defense of their Catholic Sister; including a number of my favorite professors from PLU and Luther Seminary, as well as a host of others who I have met and/or cited in a number of projects including my thesis.
2. Dr. Lose from Luther Seminary offers some reflections on denominationalism.
3. My roommate Tyler from PLU offers a wonderful reflection on the change he sees in what it means to follow the "American dream." With our "generation" its not necessarily about making the most money, but rather about living a fulfilling life and living into one's vocation(s).

1. The Pac-12 Network continues to take shape.
2. Is it time to bring up the annual question for the Mariners about whether or not to think about trading King Felix?
3. I would be remiss with this return to blog activity to not offer a huge shout-out to the Lutes Softball team! PLU's softball team won the Division III National Championship in May!! Congrats and Attaway Lutes!

Thanks for taking the time to read and follow me, and for welcoming me back to the blogging world. May God's peace and blessings be unto you this day!