Friday, December 14, 2012

Lost in the Night

"Lost in the night do the people yet languish, longing for morning the darkness to vanquish, plaintively sighing with hearts full of anguish. Will not day come soon?  Will not day come soon?"

This Advent hymn rings through my mind today.  It is too fitting of a reminder of the world we have now, and the fact that the kingdom is not yet complete.  Today, news of the most horrific and senseless of acts- the murder of innocent children in an elementary school spreads across the internet, airwaves, and by word of mouth.  There isn't much to say, except to pray "Come, Lord Jesus" and as the hymn concludes, "Come and save us soon! Come and save us soon!"

During Advent we are usually excited for the coming birth of Jesus on Christmas, but we also join the church in hoping for Jesus' return, a second Christmas. This would be the restoration of God's creation we all hope for.  It's acts of evil like today's that make it so much more obvious of how much we need God to save us, and how important it is to know that God is with us (Emmanuel) and for us.

Lord, please be with the whole community and all families affected by this senseless act. May your justice and peace come.  May your love and comfort spread.  May we learn to live and do acts of love, justice, and mercy as you would have us do and spread this to others. Amen.

Credits: "Lost in the Night,” Nordic hymn, tr. Olav Lee, Finnish folk tune, Public Domain, (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1932), OneLicense, found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 243.

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